Common Misconceptions About Yoga

I am not flexible, so I cannot do yoga.

This is the most common misconception I encounter. One does not do yoga because one is already limber. One does yoga to create strength, balance, and flexibility. The less flexible you are, the more you need yoga.

Yoga must always be taken seriously.

There are enough chores in life already. When yoga is taken too seriously, it can become another chore. Of course it can be wonderful to go to a beautiful yoga studio away from the distractions at home. At the same time, yoga does not always have to be practiced in special conditions or with a somber type of reverence. The more you learn to connect with yoga at any moment, in any place, the more you will see that there are no limits to where you can do yoga. The more you play with yoga, the more you will discover that laughing during yoga can be its own kind of celebration of life.

I am too old to do yoga.

I have worked with clients who first started yoga with me in their seventies and eighties, so it is never too late to take up yoga.